Interface volume 3 issue 1: Repression and social movements


Volume 3 issue 1, single file complete


ISSN 2009-2431


Repression and social movements. Cristina Flesher Fominaya and Lesley Wood (pp. 1-11)

Articles: repression and social movements

A surveillance studies perspective on protest policing: the case of video surveillance of demonstrations in Germany. (P) Peter Ullrich and Gina Rosa Wollinger (pp. 12-38)

Public policy is class war pursued by other means: struggle and restructuring as international education economy. (P) Liz Thompson and Ben Rosenzweig (pp. 39-80)

The other side of the COIN: counter-insurgency and community policing. (P) Kristian Williams (pp. 81-117)

“Não somos chilenos, somos mapuches!”: as vozes do passado no presente da
luta mapuche por seu território
. (P) Fernanda Maria Vieira and J. Flávio Ferreira (pp. 118-144)

From indios to indígenas: Guerrilla perspectives on indigenous peoples and
repression in Mexico, Guatemala and Nicaragua
. (P) Roy Krøvel (pp. 145-171)

Action / Practice Notes and Event Analysis

British tuition fee protest, November 9, 2010, London. Musab Younis (pp. 172-181)

Campanha “Não partam a minha casa”. Dino Jimbi (pp. 182-184)

G20 mobilizing in Toronto and community organizing: opportunities created
and lessons learned.
Mac Scott (pp. 185-189)

“I’m in the news today, oh boy”: responding to smear tactics and media
Aileen O’Carroll, Alessio Lunghi, Laurence Cox (pp. 190-194)

Articles: general

Globalisation and abstraction in the Bhopal survivors’ movement. (P) Eurig Scandrett and Suroopa Mukherjee (pp. 195-209)

Collaborative governance and a strategic approach to facilitating change:
Lessons learned from forest agreements in South East Queensland and the
Great Bear Rainforest
. (P) George Sranko (pp. 210-239)

Territorialising Niger Delta conflicts: place and contentious mobilisation. (P) John Agbonifo (pp. 240-265)


Single PDF (EN)  (pp. 266-291)

Laurence Davis and Ruth Kinna, Anarchism and utopianism. Martha Ackelsberg

Fiona Dukelow and Orla O’Donovan, Mobilising classics: reading radical writing in Ireland. Fergal Finnegan

David Graeber, Direct action: an ethnography. Mandisi Majavu

Nathalie Hyde-Clarke, The citizen in communication: re-visiting traditional,
new and community media practices in South Africa
. Marian Burchardt

Gabriel Kuhn, Sober living for the revolution: hardcore punk, straight edge, and radical politics. John L. Murphy

Alf Gunvald Nilsen, Dispossession and resistance in India: the river and the rage. Lesley Wood

Call for papers volume 4 issue 1

The season of revolution: the Arab Spring (pp. 292-296)

Articles marked (P) have been subject to double-blind peer review by one academic researcher and one movement practitioner. The other pieces have been edited by the authors in collaboration with an Interface editor.