Volume 12 issue 2, single file
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ISSN 2009-2431
Open issue
Laurence Cox (pp. 1 – 4)
Call for papers
Call for papers volume 13 issue 2
Rising up against institutional racism in the Americas and beyond (pp. 5 – 11)
Convocatoria vol. 13, no. 2 (ES)
Los levantamientos contra el racismo institucional en las Américas (y más allá) (pp. 12 – 18)
General pieces
Overviews of movement struggles in specific places
Kyoko Tominaga
Protest journey: the practices of constructing activist identity to choose and define the right type of activism (peer-reviewed article, pp. 19 – 41)
Márcio Bustamante and Bruno M. Fiuza
Autonomist political culture in Brazil and the Peoples’ Global Action Oral History Project (peer-reviewed article, pp. 42 – 69)
Jonathan Langdon, Kofi Larweh and Wilna Quarmyne
“E yeo ngo” (Do they eat salt?) Learning in a movement from a 5 year PAR study of the Ada Songor Advocacy Forum, a social movement in Ghana (peer-reviewed article, pp. 70 – 86)
Régis Coursin (FR)
Le sommet du G7 dans Charlevoix, 2018: résistances et subalternités locales, de l’évènement à la longue durée (peer-reviewed article, pp. 87 – 120)
Björn Herold and Margaux DeBarros
“It’s not just an occupation, it’s our home!” The politics of everyday life in a long-term occupation in Cape Town and their effects on movement development (peer-reviewed article, pp. 121 – 156)
Ryan A. Knight
Autonomous struggles, political parties, recognition politics and state (re)production in Oaxaca, Mexico (peer-reviewed article, pp. 157 – 181)
Mark Purcell
The project of democracy and the 15M movement in Spain (peer-reviewed article, pp. 182 – 214)
Pearly Wong
Linking “local” to “global”: framing environmental justice movements through progressive contextualization (peer-reviewed article, pp. 215 – 243)
Phil Hedges
“It is people who make education work”: a content analysis of trade union teach-outs in leading UK universities (research note, pp. 244 – 253)
Ian Miles and Brian Martin
Reflection-based activism: toward mutual recognition (peer-reviewed article, pp. 254 – 269)
Reviews [single PDF] (pp. 270 – 306)
Daniel Sonabend, 2019, We Fight Fascists: The 43 Group and Their Forgotten Battle for Post-war Britain. Review author: Alex Khasnabish
Susana Draper, 2018, 1968 Mexico: Constellations of Freedom and Democracy. Review author: Plácido Muñoz Morán
Amber Day (ed.), 2017, DIY Utopia: Cultural Imagination and the Remaking of the Possible. Review Author: Evangelos Chrysagis
Isabel Wilkerson, 2020, Caste: The Origins of our Discontents. New York: Random House. Review author: Isaac Oommen
Brian Whitener, 2019, Crisis Cultures: The Rise of Finance in Mexico and Brazil. Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press. Review Author: Mathias Sosnowski Krabbe
Touré Reed, 2020, Toward Freedom: The Case against Race Reductionism. Review Author: Jay Arena
Stefan Berger and Holger Nehring (eds.) The History of Social Movements in Global Perspective: A Survey. Review Author: Tomás Mac Sheoin
Miguel A. Martinez, 2020, Squatters in the Capitalist City: Housing, Justice, and Urban Politics. Review author: Ben Duke
Cover art
This photograph is part of an artistic research process carried out in 2019 in the surrounding areas of the Térraba Sierpe National Wetland, a protected wetland in the southern area of Costa Rica. Specifically, this photograph portrays one of the members of the Association of Piangüeros, Recursos Marinos y Afines de Ajuntaderas (APREMAA). This association groups the community of Ajuntaderas, a community formed by fishermen and fisherwomen and piangüa gatherers. The piangüa lives in the barred soil of the wetland. It is a small mollusc, which is extracted in order to eat it or to sell it. The piangüa extraction has a long tradition that goes back to pre-Hispanic times, when the native peoples who lived in the area also consumed it, as it is proven in various archaeological findings.The piangüeras and piangüeros go through the mangrove at low tide looking for those small shells in the mud; some phrase the labor as going to ‘harvest’. Every time the tide goes up and down, the piangüas swim and change places, so at each tide they must find the small but visible traces inside the mud. After the gathering, the piangüas are broken, extracted and cooked. The piangüero is, according to Alberto Vargas (president of the Association), a freshwater fisher (wo)man. Their work, like the mangrove, is ambiguous, an in-between. The sea becomes their frontier, they sail, fish and harvest between fresh and saltwater, perceiving from the rivers the changes of the tides and moving through them. The tides determine their rhythms of movement, fishing and rest.
In addition, APREMAA works together with the Ministry of Environment and Energy and different non-governmental organizations in the conservation and sustainable use of the species that inhabit the mangrove of the Terraba Sierpe National Wetland. The main objective of this association is to unite and fight to improve the living and working conditions of its community and the wetland which is their home.
Credits: Diana Barquero Pérez, 2019
About Interface
Interface: a journal for and about social movements is a peer-reviewed journal of practitioner research produced by movement participants and engaged academics. Interface is globally organised in a series of different regional collectives, and is produced as a multilingual journal. Peer-reviewed articles have been subject to double-blind review by one researcher and one movement practitioner.
The views expressed in any contributions to Interface: a journal for and about social movements are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily represent those of Interface, the editors, the editorial collective, or the organizations to which the authors are affiliated. Interface is committed to the free exchange of ideas in the best tradition of intellectual and activist inquiry.
The Interface website is hosted by the Department of Sociology, National University of Ireland Maynooth.