Event Notices

Interface journal is happy to publish announcements for events which share the journal’s basic purpose. This is to develop dialogue between activists and researchers on social movements, between different social movements, between movements in different continents and world regions or between different traditions of movement thinking.

To reach the broadest audience, such submissions need to be received by the editors with considerable time before the event’s date, taking into account our publication process. Please allow at least two months for an event after the publication date (the event announced in the May issue should not take place before August that year, and for the November issue it should not take place prior to January the following year).

The deadline for receiving such announcements are one month before our announced publication date (so April 1st or October 1st), giving a minimum of three months in total. There is no maximum time limit.

To submit an announcement:

Please use “Interface event submission” as your subject heading.

Please follow the following format, with a maximum of 250 words:

  • Title of the event.
  • Date or dates.
  • Venue.
  • Description of event.
  • For further details, visit: (URLs)
  • and other contact details (Emails, twitter, telephone as appropriate).
  • Name of conveners (organisation, institution, and/or individuals).

You can send the announcement in any or several of the languages that are currently represented by the editorial team. An English-language version will also help.